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Swedo House – Karen Blixen Coffee Garden and Cottages

The Swedo-House

The Swedo-House, a historical landmark, showcases the early architecture of Kenya, was elevated on stilts to protect against water and termite damage. With three rooms, a veranda, and a separate kitchen, it featured corrugated iron walls, a railed veranda, and an arched roof.

While the Bogani House (Currently Karen Blixen Museum) represents the second generation of colonial residential architecture, the Swedo House represents the first generation of houses. These houses were constructed of wooden structures on raised stilts.

Notably, President Theodore Roosevelt hunted from the Swedo House during his 1908 visit. Later, the Swedo African Coffee Company was formed by Ake Sogren and Sir Northrup McMillan in 1911, aiming to develop 4000 acres for agriculture, primarily coffee production.

However, realizing the unsuitability for coffee, the property was sold to Baron Von Blixen in 1913 who bought the property for his wife Karen. The Swedo House played a central role in the Coffee Company and served as the farm manager’s house. Karen Blixen (known by her pen name Isak Dinesen) spent a great deal of time at the Swedo House and her brother, Thomas Dinesen resided in this house for several years, overseeing the Karen Blixen Coffee Plantation until its sale in 1931 during the Great Depression.

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