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Africa Tour Safari Tips – The Out Of Africa Experience

  /  Africa Tour Safari Tips – The Out Of Africa Experience

Africa Tour Safari Tips - The Out of Africa Experience

1. Health

  • Since you will be visiting a tropical country where malaria infection is a possibility, kindly ensure that you take your Malaria tablets as advised by your physician or Doctor.
  • Only drink water from sealed bottles for this guarantees the safety and hygiene to your body. Bottled water is available in all your destinations. You can use tap water for brushing but DO NOT swallow.
  • East Africa being a tropical zone, has a lot of fresh Fruits and Vegetables. It is important to eat as much as you can, as these are very good for your body. They are normally washed in clean water.

2. Vaccines

The following vaccines may be required depending on your destination.

  • Covid-19
  • Tetanus
  • Diphtheria
  • Polio
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Yellow fever*
  • Rabies
  • Meningitis

NB: Certificate is required for entry into, or travel between, some African countries. Several of these vaccines require more than one dose, or take time to become effective. It is always best to seek advice on immunization well in advance, if possible, around 6 weeks before departure

3. Currency

Each country within East Africa has its own local currency, in Kenya, the currency is Kenya Shillings, Tanzania and Uganda the same. However, foreign currencies mainly US Dollars, Euros and Pounds are largely used. Major credit cards like Visa and Master card are highly acceptable but will always attract a percentage bank surcharge from 5%.


It is advisable to acquire your Visa before you depart from your country. This makes your travelling smoother. You can also get it upon arrival at the Airport for most of the countries, however this will take time. Visa costs may range from USD50-60 per entry depending on your destination.

5. Luggage

It is advisable to use the soft luggage bags during your safari since sometimes there will be limited space for luggage. The local Domestic Airlines only accept a maximum of 15 kg per person, any extra kg will be charged.

6. Voltage

The voltage throughout the countries is 220-240V.It is advisable to carry with your multi-plug adapters for charging of your cameras.

7. Photography

Always carry with you enough Camera films to avoid disappointments when on safari, every opportunity in the bush presents a unique scene and it always important to be ready with your camera. Photography in protected areas is not allowed.

8. Tipping

Tipping is an integral part of a safari as a motivation to your safari team. There is no standard amount of tipping but as a guideline, a tip of 5 USD per visitor per day for your Driver guide and USD 8 per visitor per day for your Tour leader is acceptable. You can always tip depending on your satisfaction. It is not a MUST to tip.

9. Clothing

There is no official clothing for Safari but it is advisable to note that:

  • Weather: Varies from the coast to the mountains and you will need light clothing at the coast and while on safari but warm clothes in the Mountains. It is advisable to wear long trousers and socks in the evening to avoid mosquito bites as they become active in the evenings.
  • The Kenya Coast: Zone is predominantly Muslim and they are sensitive to clothing, one needs to be cautious of what to wear when venturing out of the beach hotel for excursions or town visits.

NB: Your guide will be always at hand to advice you on all the above.


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